Friday, August 8, 2008

Iron Cupcake Earth

There's a New Cupcake Competition In Town!!

I stumbled on this blog event and it ROCKS!!! Sandy over at No One Puts Cupcakes In A Corner is hosting a blog event that is absolutely awesome! It will definitely get your creative brain juices going! On the first of every month, a 'secret ingredient' will be posted for all Iron Cupcake participants to consider and come up with the most creative and delicious cupcake involving the secret ingredient! This month (August) is its inaugural month. This month's secret ingredient: Chili!!

If you think you are up to the challenge and looking to have some cakecup fun, why not join in? This is open to everyone...yep that means anyone from around the world! If the thought of an excuse to bake isn't enough, to even draw you in further, there will be MONTHLY PRIZES for the winner. Augusts prize is worth over $100 already. It includes awesome items like The Cupcake Courier (I've been wanting one of these soooo bad!), an apron by Jessie Steele, CAKESPY stuff, and a brand new publication by Taste of Home.

Ok, so now that you're dying to join, here's what you have to do----soooo easy!

Email IronCupcakeEarth AT with the following information to join:

City, State, Country
Blog Address
Flickr Name
Referral: Hop Onto Cupcakes

So there, that's it, you're done--you've joined! I'll see you all at the challenge.

Let the baking begin!

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About Me

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Grand Blanc, Michigan, United States
Hello. I'm Heather and I make gourmet cupcakes. Keep us in mind for your special occasions birthdays, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers and just because.